
Thursday, August 30, 2012

BREAKING: New poll

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Kelly Ward" <>
Date: Aug 30, 2012 8:54 PM
Subject: BREAKING: New poll
To: "Daniel Stafford" <>

At the beginning of the week, Mitt Romney was four points behind President Obama in the first installment of the Reuters/Ipsos rolling poll. Now he's two points ahead.

Daniel --

Tonight, Mitt Romney gets his uninterrupted nationally-televised speech to tear down President Obama with more lies and dishonest attacks.

What happens next is up to you.

There's only 24 hours left before the biggest fundraising deadline we've faced.

Donate $3 or whatever you can to back up President Obama with a Democratic majority right now >>

Thanks for standing with us,


Kelly Ward
DCCC Political Director


Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003
(202) 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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Your Must-Do Assignment for This Year: Read This Chart and Pass It On

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From: "t r u t h o u t" <>
Date: Aug 30, 2012 6:25 PM
Subject: Your Must-Do Assignment for This Year: Read This Chart and Pass It On
To: <>


Thursday, 30 August 2012

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Seeing the GOP Convention as a Hieronymus Bosch Painting of Hell

Mark Karlin, BuzzFlash at Truthout: Beneath those affable-looking GOP Caucasian visages assembled in Tampa are brains that house the deformed fantasies, driven by emotions rather than reason, that don't allow the entrance of logic or fact.

Read the BuzzFlash Commentary


Will the "Paul Ryan Lied" Story Break Through?

Read the Article at Talking Points Memo


The Federal Bailout That Saved Mitt Romney

Read the Article at Rolling Stone


The Father of Citizens United Is a Big Man at the Republican Convention

Read the Article at BuzzFlash


Charles P. Pierce | Paul Ryan Is the Newest New Nixon, a Moocher Belied

Read the Article at Esquire


Republicans Boast About Voter Suppression in Tampa, but the Ground Is Shifting

Read the Article at The Nation


We Don't Need No Stinking Warrant: The Disturbing, Unchecked Rise of the Administrative Subpoena

Read the Article at Wired


Glenn Greenwald | Correspondence and Collusion Between the New York Times and the CIA

Read the Article at The Guardian UK


Your Must-Do Assignment for This Year: Read This Chart and Pass It On

Dina Rasor, Truthout: "The defenders and beneficiaries of this endlessly rising budget are already squealing about a planned cut in the increase of the defense budget. But added on to that is the sequestration deal that both political parties made to cut social programs and defense, with each side not really believing that the other side will go through with it."

Read the Article 

Facing Grand Jury Intimidation: Fear, Silence and Solidarity

Natasha Lennard, Truthout: "Two Portland-based activists, Leah-Lynn Plante and Dennison Williams, publicly announced late last month that they had been subpoenaed to appear in front of a federal grand jury in Seattle and that they would refuse to cooperate."

Read the Article 

Six Worst Lies in Paul Ryan's Speech

Aviva Shen, ThinkProgress: "Vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is taking flack on the morning news shows for his keynote address at the Republican National Convention Wednesday night. His speech was riddled with false claims, so much so that even Fox News wrote, 'To anyone paying the slightest bit of attention to facts, Ryan's speech was an apparent attempt to set the world record for the greatest number of blatant lies and misrepresentations slipped into a single political speech.'"

Read the Article 

New Yorkers Rally to Urge Governor Cuomo to Reject Fracking

Sara Jerving, PRWatch: "Activists estimated that over two thousand concerned citizens joined the march in Albany Monday to try to persuade Cuomo not to lift the moratorium - statewide or in some counties - a decision expected to be announced some time after Labor Day."

Read the Article 

Sen. Bernie Sanders: Overturn Citizens United

Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders' Blog: "Sen. Bernie Sanders told a Senate panel on Tuesday that a constitutional amendment is needed to undo the Supreme Court ruling that let corporations and wealthy individuals spend unlimited sums to sway American elections. Vermont and five other states have adopted resolutions asking Congress for a constitutional amendment to overturn the Citizens United decision. More than 200 local governments, including about 60 towns in Vermont, have passed similar measures."

Watch the Video and Read the Article 

Can Corporations Be Made to Fit Democratic Theory and Vision?

Gar Alperovitz, Democracy Collaborative Press: "Intimately related to economic inequality is the matter of time - in this case as it concerns democracy as well as liberty. From Aristotle on, it has been obvious that democracy becomes meaningless if people do not have time to participate."

Read the Excerpt 

On the News With Thom Hartmann: President Barack Obama Endorses Movement to Amend the Constitution and Overturn Citizens United, and More

In today's On the News segment: Paul Ryan rattled off lie after lie after lie against President Obama in his speech last night, the United States leads its European counterparts in preventable deaths, the movement to amend the Constitution and overturn the Supreme Court's disastrous Citizens United decision just got endorsed by President Barack Obama, Japanese citizens continue to protest nuclear power, and more.

Watch the Video and Read the Transcript 

Within "Special Cell" of Delhi Police, a History of Falsifying Evidence - Part Three

Gareth Porter, Inter Press Service: "The Delhi Police Special Cell, which has accused an Indian journalist and four Iranians of conspiring to bomb an Israeli embassy car in Delhi Feb. 13, has a long history of planting evidence on those it has accused and of obtaining false confessions, according to court records now cited by critics of the police unit."

Read the Article 

Impossible Choices? The Conservatism of "Breaking Bad"

Michael Corcoran, Truthout: "'Breaking Bad' is a fascinating show. But efforts to compare it to 'The Wire,' which systematically analyzed American institutions and the American experience, are misguided. 'Breaking Bad' is fundamentally a conservative show that is all about the individual."

Read the Article 

Where Are the Jobs? Scenes From California's Job Club

Dashka Slater, Economic Hardship Reporting Project: "As we stood in line at a Burger King in Sacramento, Calif., Joe Sisco gave me a nudge. 'Look at the age of the people who are here right now,' he said and cocked his chin toward the three women behind the counter, each several decades past the age when manning the deep fryer might seem like a good career move. 'That's the economy, right here.'"

Read the Article 

Who Cares if It's True? It Works: Romney's Ads Are Based on Lies

Lauren Feeney, Moyers & Co.: "Romney's claim that the Obama administration has dropped the work requirements for welfare recipients has been thoroughly debunked, and that debunking has been widely reported.... Why then, do the ads keep running? Two Romney insiders offered some surprisingly candid insight into the question at a forum hosted by ABC News and Yahoo! News this morning."

Read the Article 

Matt Taibbi: The Secret to Mitt Romney's Fortune? Greed, Debt and Forcing Others to Foot the Bill

Amy Goodman, Democracy NOW!: "A new article by reporter Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone sheds new light on the origin of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's fortune, revealing how Romney's former firm, Bain Capital, used private equity to raise money to conduct corporate raids."

Watch the Video and Read the Transcript 

Party Conventions and Convention Parties: Dripping in Irony

Craig Holman, PhD, Public Citizen: "As the nation witnesses the spectacle we call the party nominating conventions, the ironies are dripping more than the corporately funded ice sculpture bars in Tampa Bay. The most obvious irony, of course, is that more money is being spent on the conventions yet fewer people seem to care."

Read the Article 

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Join us on Saturday

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From: "Kyran McCann, CREDO SuperPAC" <>
Date: Aug 30, 2012 8:04 AM
Subject: Join us on Saturday
To: "Daniel A. Stafford" <>

Take Down Joe Walsh
We need to talk to thousands of voters over the next two weeks and tell them what is at stake in this election. RSVP below and help us kick this campaign up a notch.
CREDO Action | more than a network, a movement.

Saturday: Join our canvass in Elk Grove Village

Hi Daniel,

Over the coming weeks we need to get out and talk to thousands of voters about what's at stake in this election: women's rights, affordable healthcare and protecting Medicare just to name a few.

The most effective way to persuade these voters is a door-to-door interaction right on their front porch.

On Saturday we are kicking off a two month push to talk to thousands of voters about Joe Walsh. With your help it could be our campaign's biggest day yet. Can you join our canvass this weekend?

Here are the details:

What: Take Down Joe Walsh Canvass
When: Saturday, August 28th starting at 10:30 A.M.
Where: Take Down Joe Walsh Headquarters, 660 S Meacham Rd, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 (map)

This election will come down to who is willing to do the work — making calls, knocking on doors and talking to their neighbors. We need your help.

If you can make it this Saturday, click below to RSVP:

If you want to reach us in advance, or have questions or concerns, please email Katie Cozort (

Thank you for all that you do,

Kyran McCann
District Director
CREDO SuperPAC's Take Down Joe Walsh campaign.


via ActBlue


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Paid for by CREDO SuperPAC,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

© 2012 CREDO. All rights reserved.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I have never seen it said better. The middle junction here has a name in political science texts: Fascism. That is the textbook case.


Watch | Vulnerable on the Open Road

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From: "" <>
Date: Aug 29, 2012 11:48 AM
Subject: Watch | Vulnerable on the Open Road

Last week, the USA Pro Challenge bike race passed within 20 feet of our Colorado headquarters. A few days later, our community is still buzzing from the historic event, and pro bike racing remains on our minds.
While safe roads matter to everyone on a bike, professional cyclists spend more time on them than almost anyone. These talented, world-class athletes may seem super-human at times, but they are human like any of us—vulnerable on the open road.
In our new video, Vulnerable on the Open Road, five professional U.S. cyclists reflect on their experiences with bicycle safety. The riders share their visions for better bicycling conditions and lessons for safer motorist-bicyclist interactions.
Even though these riders are the top 1% of bicyclists, their advice—slow down, be aware, don't blow through red lights, build more infrastructure, get more people riding—applies to anyone who likes to enjoy the simple pleasure of a bike ride.
Take a moment to listen to their experiences and, next time you ride (or drive), carry their advice out on the road with you.
open road video
Safe riding,
The crew
Contact Us

Moving corporate mountains

The art of banding together. Hmmm. Sounds familiar, somehow...


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Taren S-K," <>
Date: Aug 29, 2012 12:03 PM
Subject: Moving corporate mountains
To: "Daniel Stafford" <>

Dear Daniel,

It has been nine months since the launch of, and in that short amount of time we have grown from an idea to a full-fledged movement. As we look back over the past two months and the milestones we have achieved, I thought it would be fun to share some numbers from our organization to show you all that we have accomplished, both statistically and in some of our most recent campaigns.

Taren by the numbers
  • 9 -- months since launch
  • 772,707 -- people currently subscribed to our email list
  • 20 -- companies that have stopped funding the extremist Heartland Institute since we launched our joint campaign with Forecast the Facts and
  • 38 -- companies that have left ALEC since we launched our joint campaign with ColorOfChange
  • 753 -- emails we've sent out, including campaigns, campaign tests, rally-reminders and report-backs
  • 64 -- weeks the Coalition of Immokalee Workers had been campaigning to get Trader Joe's to sign the Fair Food Agreement when we joined the campaign
  • 3 -- weeks from when we joined CIW's campaign til when Trader Joe's signed the agreement 
  • 7 -- staff (six full-time)
  • 195 -- countries represented on our email list
  • 3 -- number of countries represented on our staff 
  • 651,188 -- number of people who signed on for our Thank You, Starbucks campaign
  • 46,501 -- number of people who joined the National Organization for Marriage's campaign against Starbucks
  • 1 -- number of staff who dressed up as a Starbucks cup to deliver our thank you card to HQ
  • 3,468,789 -- actions taken through our website since we launched

Campaign updates

Stand with Julia in her fight against TransCanada

Julia TriggBackground: The Keystone XL Pipeline, which would transport dirty tar sands oil to the US, has been enormously controversial and a potential environmental disaster. Although President Obama ordered a review of the pipeline in January, the project is marching onwards. One of the few people to stand in TransCanada's way is Julia Trigg, a Texas farmer fighting to prevent Keystone's company, TransCanada, from seizing her land for its pan-American pipeline.

 What we want: We asked the community to help contribute to Julia's legal efforts, in order to ensure that she could have top-notch legal representation as she goes up against the best lawyers oil money can buy.

Current status: The result was amazing! Over 2,000 people donated what they could afford to Julia, and we raised just short of $50,000 to support Julia's legal fund -- enough for her to hire another lawyer to fight TransCanada's army of corporate lawyers. When we told her, she literally jumped for joy. In her long struggle with TransCanada, this money will allow her to keep up the fight as her case works its way through the Texas legal system.

Last Wednesday, Julia suffered a first-round setback when the local county judge announced his ruling against Julia in a fifteen-word email, which he callously sent from his iPhone. Although Julia is disappointed, she has always had plans to appeal all the way to the Texas Supreme Court if she needed to, which has previously ruled in favor of landowners like her in similar cases. Thanks to the generosity of members, Julia is now secure that she can take her fight to the next round, in the state district court. Julia has been extremely grateful for the help members, whose donations have been a game changer. When she got our "Good luck" card from members, Julia called us up weeping in gratitude. To all that donated or helped raise awareness of Julia's campaign, thank you for your support!

Read More: Original donation ask | Our "Good luck" card to Julia

Press coverage: The Toronto Star | The New York Times

These workers aren't just fighting for their jobs. They want to buy the factory.
(US and UK-only campaign)

New Era workerBackground: Serious Energy, owned in part by Mesirow Financial, was planning to shut down a Chicago-area energy efficient-window and door factory, lay off all the workers, and sell the parts off for scrap to vulture companies, kicking the factory workers out to the job market.

Partners: The Working World

What we want: Members of called on Serious Energy and Mesirow Financial to come back to the bargaining table and work with the workers' cooperative to reach a fair deal to save the factory.

Current status: We won an important step by getting Serious Energy back to the bargaining table to sit down and talk in good faith. Word from our allies is that the talks have been progressing well, and we hope to have exciting news to report back about New Era Windows when we update you again in October. In the words of our allies, "we have made great progress... and the petition was instrumental to making it happen."

Read More: The original petition | Fundraiser for the workers

Press coverage: The Nation


Johnson & Johnson and ALEC and Trayvon
(US-only campaign)

Background:ALEC The American Legislative Exchange Council gained notoriety earlier this year when it was connected to Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, which George Zimmerman had infamously used as his defense for the killing of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin. As the public began to learn more about ALEC's work in partnering corporate lobbyists with state legislatures to craft harmful legislation, a call went out for corporations to stop associating with the organization.

Partner: ColorOfChange

What we want: members called upon Johnson & Johnson, along with other corporations, to leave ALEC over its support for harmful legislation.

Current status: Johnson & Johnson announced it was leaving ALEC in June. Since then, the bleeding has continued, with General Electric, General Motors, Sprint, Walgreens, Hewlett-Packard, CVS, Best Buy, John Deere & Co. and MillerCoors LLC all announcing that they, too, have quit the corporate "stealth lobbying" group, bringing the total of organizations that have withdrawn to 38. ALEC has become toxic to many top brands, and as more and more companies pull out, ALEC's funding has been cut short and its activities restricted. In recent months it disbanded its task force responsible for drafting Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law as well as drafting the infamous voter-ID laws which will restrict voting rights in a number of states this fall. If you are unsure about your own state's voting laws, go here to find out if your state requires an ID, and make sure you and your friends will be eligible to vote in 2012.

Read More: Original petition

Press coverage: Triple Pundit | Policy Mic | Business Week


Berenstain Bears: Dump the anti-gay Chick-fil-A
(US-only campaign)

homophobic cattleBackground: Chick-fil-A came under a media firestorm in July, after its CEO went on the record to say he was "guilty as charged" as a funder of discriminatory laws against the LGBT community. In light of his comments, and the ensuing stories about Chick-fil-A's significiant donations to anti-gay organizations, the Jim Henson Company ended its partnership with Chick-fil-A's Kids' Meals.

Partner: CREDO, Faithful America

What we want: The community asked the Berenstain Bears, Chick-fil-A's next toy sponsor, to end its partnership with Chick-fil-A as well.

Current status: The Berenstain Bears responded to the controversy by putting up a public notice on its website distancing itself both from Chick-fil-A and from its publisher, HarperCollins. We delivered over eighty thousand signatures to HarperCollins headquarters. The publisher decided to push forward with the toy deal, citing support of corporate "free speech". But Chick-fil-A and its corporate friends have felt our heat. The fast food company's next two planned toy tie-ins are unbranded and unadvertised.

Read More: Original petition | Press release

Press coverage: The New York Observer | The Telegraph | Entertainment Weekly


Enbridge: Stop misleading the public
(Non-US campaign)

misleading mapBackground: Canadian oil company Enbridge is building a massive, 700-mile-long pipeline through gorgeous wilderness, terminating at a bay filled with over a dozen islands. In order to sell this dangerous plan to the public, Enbridge -- which has a long history of oil spills -- erased almost all of the islands from its public-facing map and video, making the route appear safer than it actually is.

Partner: LeadNow

What we wanted: called on Enbridge to pull its ads in order to stop misleading the public.

Update: Enbridge quickly responded by editing its video and adding a disclaimer, but continues to use the misleading piece to sell its idea. and LeadNow are planning to deliver over 40,000 signatures to Enbridge's head office in Vancouver, Toronto, and Calgary, calling for the company to pull the ad for good.

Read more: The original petition 

Press coverage: The Vancouver Observer | Huffington Post Canada


IKEA: Stop destroying Russia's remaining ancient forests

Backgroudeforestationnd: IKEA's motto may be "We love trees" but privately IKEA sources much of its wood from Europe's last-remaining old-growth forest, cutting down trees that environmentalists have found to be hundreds of years old, in violation of IKEA's own policies.

What we want: We are asking for IKEA to stop sourcing its wood from Russia's old-growth Karelia forests.

Current status: Over 100,000 of you signed our petition to IKEA, and the company responded by shooting us a letter in which it claimed that we were mistaken about the extent of its logging operation, and its use of ancient trees. We checked in with Protect the Forests Sweden, an environmental charity which has actively investigated IKEA's logging sites, who provided clear proof that IKEA was chopping down old-growth trees. We communicated this confirmation to IKEA, and will continue to monitor IKEA for another opportunity to publicly pressure the company of its environmentally-unsound practices.

Read More: Original petition | Protect the Forest Sweden


Hershey's Chocolate: Let HIV+ boys attend your school

Background:Hershey's ain't sweet A boy was denied admission to the Milton Hershey School, a private boarding school for underprivileged kids, simply because he was HIV+. That school is run solely with funding from the Hershey Corporation. Despite pressure from community groups and a lawsuit, the Milton Hershey School dug in and continued to refuse admission to the boy, in direct violation of the law.

What we want: We called for Hershey Corporation to use its weight as a Board member of the school to push the school to admit the boy. 

Current status: Victory, the boy was offered admission! Organizers of a Hershey's boycott tell us our 20,000 signatures helped build media attention on the issue and push the school to change their course.

Read More: Original petition

Press coverage: Associated Press | MarketWatch

Hyatt: Re-hire Elvia Bahena!

ElviaBackground: For years, Hyatt has been one of the worst employers in the hotel industry, with a significantly higher rate of injury on the job, and few protections for workers. One of the more egregious violations of workers' rights occurred in Indiana, when subcontract worker Elvia Bahena spoke out against Hyatt's practice of discriminating against contact workers, thus depressing their wages and ensuring they had no opportunities for advancement. After Elvia spoke out, Hyatt punished her by refusing to hire her further.


What we want: We called upon the manager of the local Hyatt, Brian Comes, to re-hire Elvia.

Current status: Over 60,000 members wrote in to Brian, but Hyatt has refused to let Elvia back on her job, and continues both its abusive practices and a sophisticated, long-running PR campaign to discredit anyone who speaks out. We will continue to monitor Hyatt and its abuses going forward.

Read More: Original petition


Chipotle: Sign the Fair Food Agreement
(US-only campaign)

Chipotle worker/protesterBackground: The Coalition of Immokalee Workers has been fighting for over a decade to pressure large corporations to sign the Fair Food Agreement, ensuring that tomato-pickers are treated humanely and paid a fair wage. Chipotle has been the latest company to hold out on signing. Chipotle does carry out some of the provisions of the FFA, but by not signing, Chipotle creates a dangerous environment that undermines entire Fair Food Program..

Partner: The Coalition of Immokalee Workers

What we want: members called for Chipotle to finally sign the agreement with workers.

Current status: We worked with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers for a fantastic day of action, with hundreds of phone calls to Chipotle's headquarters, nearly two dozen rallies across the country and tons of members visiting stores to speak with their local Chipotle manager. In advance of the week of action, Chipotle sent around a briefing memo to managers to make sure they could echo its inaccurate talking points to concerned customers. However, Chipotle has continued to claim that its own, limited reforms are good enough. We will continue to bring pressure to Chipotle, and press the company until it lives up to its claims of truly serving up "food with integrity."

Read More: Original petition | Pictures and press from the Day of Action (scroll down to July 27th) | 10 lies in Chipotle's response


Apple: Make your products ethically

Apple factory workersBackground: In January 2012, the New York Times reported that workers at iPhone factories in China faced harsh working conditions, illegal overtime requirements, and were paid a pittance. Since then, Apple has hired the Fair Labor Association, which confirmed what we already knew -- things are really bad for workers at factories in Apple's Chinese supply chain. Over the summer, two independent research groups released reports showing that instead of improving working conditions like Apple promised, many workers are now being forced to work unpaid overtime, and are making even less -- a direct contradiction with what Apple committed to do.

Partner: Students & Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour

What we want: The community wants Apple to treat its workers ethically, ensuring good wages, legal overtime hours, humane working conditions and the freedom of association. As an industry leader and one of the most profitable companies in the world, Apple should also be a leader in the way it treats the men and women who make its products.

Current status: After getting Apple to acknowledge its problems and pledge to fix them, we moved to the next step of the campaign: Getting Apple to make good on its word. To that end, we launched a website to track Apple's progress towards its commitment to make its products ethically. Check to see Apple's progress towards keeping its promise, as well as facts on Apple's treatment of workers. Apple's manufacturing partner, Foxconn, is still systematically violating overtime laws. The Fair Labor Association has reported modest reforms, but much more reform still needs to be accomplished before Apple can have any claim to workers being treated ethically.

Read More: Original petition | | Press release

Press coverage: CBS News | LA Times | Talking Points Memo


Beyond all of this, we've been waging a number of shorter-term campaigns you may have seen that aren't included here in this big round-up. If you have specific questions about what is happening with any campaigns, let us know through our contact form.


As you can tell, we've been busy! But we wouldn't have it any other way. We are excited to build a movement together, and we're honored that you're a part of it. 

We have some incredible campaigns in the works that we're looking forward to sharing with you. As we are still a tiny organization, with just six full-time staff members, we make sure that every dollar counts. If you want to help support our movement, please consider becoming a donor. We don't take any money from corporations or governments, which allows us to be truly independent and able to run campaigns like the ones above. But that also means we depend on our members to keep us going. Any donation -- even $5 -- that you can make not only improves our ability to campaign for corporate accountability, but also energizes us, knowing that you are invested in what the SumOfUs can do. To make your money go even further, make a recurring monthly donation.

Thanks for reading, and for continuing to support our growing movement for corporate accountability.


SumOfUs is a world-wide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy. You can follow us on Twitter, and like us on Facebook.

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Drowning In The Bathtub, Hushpuppy...

Photo courtesy of Credo Mobile.

Quoting Grover Norquist, a Republican...and George Bush pretty much did it in 2005, August, in fact. When you think Obama and what he's done, remember all the crap W did, and what he didn't. Bushwack & the Republicans put the Blackwater in the Bathtub during Katrina, and they were shooting at desperate people trying to get food and water out of flooded 7-11's...merchandise that would need to be discarded for public safety, anyway. But the Republicans pretty much drowned public safety in the bathtub too. Really? You really want THAT back? Move to New Orleans and then tell me so.

All the best, IF you work and vote for it,


Thursday: Women Against Walsh Candlelight Vigil

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Kyran McCann, CREDO SuperPAC" <>
Date: Aug 28, 2012 1:04 PM
Subject: Thursday: Women Against Walsh Candlelight Vigil
To: "Daniel A. Stafford" <>

Take Down Joe Walsh
On Thursday, Women Against Walsh are holding a candlelight vigil at Rep. Walsh's congressional office to protest his War on Women. Please join us.
CREDO Action | more than a network, a movement.

Thursday: Women Against Walsh Candlelight Vigil

Hi Daniel,

Rep. Todd Akin isn't the only extreme, ignorant and out of touch Tea Party Republican in the House who wants to redefine rape and take women back to the Stone Age. Representative Joe Walsh also shares these goals.

So on Thursday, Women Against Walsh are holding a candlelight vigil at Rep. Walsh's congressional office to protest his War on Women.

As local constituents, we'll send a clear message that rape is rape and no victims of rape should be blocked from accessing health care.

Join the Women Against Walsh, and other progressives in your area, to take a stand against the War on Women. Click here to RSVP.

What: Women Against Walsh Candlelight Vigil to Protest Rep. Walsh's War on Women
When: Thursday, August 30th starting at 7:30 P.M.
Where: Rep. Walsh's Congressional Office, 124 Cass St., Woodstock, IL (map)

Click here to RSVP if you're planning on joining us at the vigil.

The vigil will come on the heels of Rep. Akin's comments saying that women who are victims of "legitimate rape" have a way to "shut that whole thing down." The GOP's official platform was approved last week and includes supporting banning women from accessing abortions, even in cases of rape, incest and when the life of the mother is at stake. What's more, in 2011 Rep. Walsh voted along with Rep. Akin to redefine rape.

Women across Illinois need to stand up for women's health care and send a message to Rep. Walsh that we'll hold him accountable in November.

If you think you will attend, please RSVP to let us know you're coming. If you want to reach me in advance, or have questions or concerns, my email is

Thank you for fighting back against the war on women,

Kyran McCann
District Director
CREDO SuperPAC's Take Down Joe Walsh campaign.


via ActBlue


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