
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Stop the Farm Bill giveaway to Big Ag

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From: "Elijah Zarlin, CREDO Action" <>
Date: Apr 28, 2012 8:03 AM
Subject: Stop the Farm Bill giveaway to Big Ag
To: "Daniel A. Stafford" <>

We need healthy food — not five more years of giveaways to Big Ag.
Clicking here will automatically add your name to this petition to your senator and the Senate Agriculture Committee:
"Instead of sending billions of dollars in subsidies to wealthy agribusinesses, the Farm Bill should support struggling farm families, promote organic farming, increase access to local food, protect land and water and help feed low-income children."
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We need healthy food — not five more years of giveaways to Big Ag.

Dear Daniel,

Every five years, the federal farm bill sets our nation's food policies — it's the single biggest factor in determining what ends up on your plate.

Right now Congress is only providing minimal support for healthy, local and organic foods while expanding wasteful subsidies and giveaways that support the wealthiest agribusinesses — at the expense of family farmers. This year's bill could be even worse.

The Senate Agriculture Committee just released a draft version of the 2012 Farm Bill which preserves these handouts while cutting vital conservation programs.2

We need a better Farm Bill. So we're we're standing with Environmental Working Group to stop the giveaway to Big Ag and support food and farm policies that protect our environment and expand access to healthy food.

Tell the Senate: Stop the giveaway to Big Ag. Pass a Farm Bill that supports local, healthy and organic food. Click here to automatically sign the petition.

The Farm Bill affects everything from the food you eat to conservation and nutrition programs. And right now, vital nutrition programs that help feed low-income children and decades-old conservation programs that protect wetlands, grasslands and soil health could be on the chopping block.2

Meanwhile, Big Ag is working hard to keep open the spigot that sends billions of dollars a year in subsidies to growers of commodity crops like corn, soy and cotton. More than 74 percent of that money goes to wealthy agribusinesses, not to small-scale family farmers who need them.

The bill that emerges from the Senate Agriculture Committee will likely be the best version we can hope for right now — as it will only get more unbalanced in negotiations with the House. It's vital that the committee members hear from you now.

Tell the Senate: Stop the giveaway to Big Ag. Pass a Farm Bill that supports local, healthy and organic food. Click below to automatically sign the petition:

Thanks for working for a healthier food system.

Elijah Zarlin, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

1. "Would you like a bad farm bill — or a terrible one?," Grist, April 23, 2012
2. "The Worst Farm Bill Ever?," Mother Jones, April 10, 2012


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