
Friday, March 15, 2013

How to Take On the Gun Industry

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Date: Mar 15, 2013 1:51 PM
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Friday, 15 March 2013

t r u t h o u t

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Eric Holder Enables Dishonesty, Fraud and Likely Criminal Activity on Wall Street

Mark Karlin, BuzzFlash at Truthout: A Senate investigation report released yesterday was a blistering attack on JP Morgan Chase for a corporate culture that resulted in the multibillion-dollar "London Whale" loss. The implicated parties included Jamie Dimon, President Obama's favorite Wall Street banker.

Read the BuzzFlash Commentary


Elizabeth Warren Takes on the NRA and the GOP

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Drones Killing Innocent Pakistanis, UN Official Says

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MSNBC Documentary of the Bush War on Iraq: Filling in Some Gaps

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Republicans Develop Sequestration Buyer's Remorse as Cuts Take Effect

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Father Accidentally Shoots, Kills 10-Month-Old Son in Front of Family

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Obama Will Use Nixon-Era Law to Fight Climate Change

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Mitt Romney Gets B-List Treatment at CPAC

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How to Take On the Gun Industry: an Interview With Author Tom Diaz

Ali Winston and Darwin Bond Graham, Truthout: Author and gun industry expert Tom Diaz talks about the structure and marketing techniques of the gun industry, its use of the NRA as a "language laundry machine" and how the industry has influenced federal and state law and regulation.

Read the Interview 

Dispelling the Myth of Clean, Green Biomass Power

Gordon Clark and Mary Booth, Truthout: Recent scientific and policy developments recognizing that biomass energy has significant greenhouse gas emissions have blown a major hole in arguments for treating biomass as a favored renewable energy source.

Read the Article 

Middle East in Turmoil 10 Years After Iraq Invasion That Officials Said Would Bring Peace

Nancy A. Youssef, McClatchy Newspapers: The role of US intervention in Middle East turmoil - direct in the cases of Iraq and Libya, and through rhetoric in Syria and Egypt - remains an open question.

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Eugene Robinson | Questions From a "Dirty War"

Eugene Robinson, Washington Post Writers Group: What did Jorge Mario Bergoglio know, and when did he know it, about Argentina's brutal "Dirty War" against suspected leftists in which thousands were tortured and killed? More important, what did the newly chosen Pope Francis do?

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Will a Grand Bargain or Betrayal Be Obama's Legacy?

Paul Jay, The Real News Network: Slate magazine says that President Obama wants a Grand Bargain on budget cuts he can call his legacy - but it will be a Grand Betrayal that makes the recession worse, says associate professor of economics and law Bill Black.

Watch the Video and Read the Transcript 

The GOP Knows Power

Robert Parry, Consortium News: Today's Republican Party doesn't believe in democracy, at least not when an election is decided by the votes of blacks, Hispanics, Asian-Americans and young urban whites comfortable with multiculturalism. Then, the outcome is deemed illegitimate and deserves obstruction.

Read the Article 

Florida Legislature Pushing ALEC, CSG Sham Fracking Chemical Disclosure Model Bill

Steve Horn, DeSmogBlog: Introduced as the "Fracturing Chemical Usage Disclosure Act" on Feb. 13, bill sponsor Rep. Ray Rodrigues said there is every indication that fracking will proceed in the Sunniland Shale basin and that being "proactive" is the way to go.

Read the Article 

The New Propaganda Is Liberal; the New Slavery Is Digital

John Pilger, Truthout: What is modern propaganda? For many, it is the lies of a totalitarian state. However, it has become so ubiquitous in our culture that we often don't even notice it in our media and entertainment.

Read the Article 

A Labor Litmus Test: Is It Time For Just Cause?

Steve Early and Rand Wilson, CounterPunch: Organized labor needs to go on the offensive, with a systematic "just cause" campaign for new workplace protection that would address widespread job insecurity and the erosion of job rights caused by de-unionization.

Read the Article 

Selling Expensive Health Care Lemons

Philip Caper, Bangor Daily News: The asymmetry of information between patients (who possess little) and healthcare providers and administrators (who possess a lot) makes anything like a rational market in healthcare services impossible.

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