
Friday, March 29, 2013

William Rivers Pitt | All Politics Is Local

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Thursday, 28 March 2013

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Lanny Breuer Cashes in After Not Prosecuting Wall Street Execs, Will Receive Approximate Salary of 4 Million Dollars

Mark Karlin, BuzzFlash at Truthout: It happened as BuzzFlash predicted. After not prosecuting Wall Street Execs, former Department of Justice Criminal Chief Lanny Breuer will join his former white collar defense law firm of Covington & Burling to represent some of the people he should have been possibly indicting.

Read the BuzzFlash Commentary


In US Supreme Court, Anti-Gay Movement is Humiliated

Read the Article at Salon


Why Sherrod Brown is Wall Street's Biggest Nightmare in Washington DC

Read the Article at Business Insider


Mass School Closings Offer Brutal Example of Chicago's Disconnected Politics

Read the Article at BuzzFlash


Gun Violence Costs US Health Care System, Taxpayers Billions Each Year

Read the Article at The Huffington Post


Anti-Drones Activists Plan Month of Protest Over Obama's "Kill" Policy

Read the Article at the Guardian UK


Officer Tied to 2005 Destruction of Interrogation Tapes Moves Up CIA Ladder

Read the Article at The New York Times


Mark Morford | Your Evolution is Totally Gay

Read the Article at The San Francisco Chronicle


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William Rivers Pitt | All Politics Is Local

William Rivers Pitt, Truthout: As the birth of William Rivers Pitt's daughter approaches, he realizes what he wants to teach her: "Do what you can within reach of your arm . . . because anything you touch is part of a tapestry that reaches far and wide, even unto the highest and mightiest seats of power."

Read the Article 

Self-Replication at Stake in Monsanto Patented Seed Case

Simon Davis-Cohen, Truthout: Davis-Cohen's reading of the Supreme Court hearing of arguments in Bowman v. Monsanto suggests that the essential philosophical, ethical and moral questions underlying the case were not, and will not be, addressed by the court.

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EPA Survey: Over Half of American Rivers and Streams Are in Poor Condition

Mike Ludwig, Truthout: The majority of the rivers and streams in America are in "poor" or "fair" condition due to pollution and other factors, according to a national survey released this week by the US Environmental Protection Agency.

Read the Article 

DHS Emails Question Federal Law Enforcement's Role in Violence at Occupy Wall Street and Oakland Rallies

Jason Leopold, Truthout: Homeland Security memos recently released shed little light on the federal government's role in dismantling Occupy Wall Street encampments, but they do show a concern by officials that DHS avoid any connection with brutal crackdowns on protesters.

Read the Article 

Why the National Labor Relations Act Is a Weak Law Today - and How We Can Restore its Power

Ellen Dannin, Truthout: Some argue that the National Labor Relations Act has always been a fatally flawed law that was incapable of keeping its promises of promoting employees' rights to form and join unions and to provide mutual aid and support to one another. But is that true?

Read the Article 

Paul Krugman | It Was Bankers That Brought Cyprus to the Brink

Paul Krugman, Krugman & Co.: Is the era of free capital movement just a bubble, fated to end soon?

Read the Article 

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Corporations Rake in Record Profits, Yet Pay Half as Much in Taxes, and More

In today's On the News segment: After yesterday's landmark challenge to the federal Defense of Marriage Act, the pro-equality crowd is hopeful; corporations rake in record profits and pay half as much in taxes as they did just a few decades ago; the Senate will begin voting on gun-control legislation next month; at least 6.2 million children have at least one unemployed parent; and more.

Watch the Video and Read the Transcript 

The Community of the Undomiciled: Thomas Napper's "Lost Angels: Skid Row Is My Home"

Eleanor J. Bader, Truthout: Thomas Q. Napper's award-winning documentary, "Lost Angels," writes Bader, "highlights the friendship, camaraderie and kindness that exist among the more than 11,000 undomiciled people - two-thirds of whom are struggling with psychiatric problems, drug addiction or both" - living in LA's Skid Row.

Read the Article 

How Global Warming Has Prevented Spring's Arrival

The Daily Take, The Thom Hartmann Program: People are scratching their heads and wondering when spring will arrive. Thanks to climate change, there is nothing normal about the way the weather is acting right now.

Read the Article 

Digital Grab: Corporate Power Has Seized the Internet

Norman Solomon, Norman Solomon's Blog: Solomon cautions Americans about the corporate power that has seized the Internet and how its antidemocratic grip is tightening every day.

Read the Article 

More than 100 Arrested Protesting Mass School Closings In Chicago

Jaisal Noor, The Real News Network: The city of Chicago announced a plan last week that would close 61 public schools. At least 100 people were arrested on Wednesday, March 27, protesting the largest-ever closing of schools.

Watch the Video and Read the Transcript 

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