
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Fwd: Wichita Abortion Clinic Continues the Fight for Reproductive Justice

From: t r u t h o u t  Date: Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 2:25 PMSubject: Wichita Abortion Clinic Continues the Fight for Reproductive Justice

Sunday, 21 July 2013

t r u t h o u t

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The Buzzflash commentary for Truthout will return soon.


Trayvon Martin Stood His Ground and Got Murdered for It: So Did Native Americans

Read the Article at BuzzFlash


Glenn Greenwald | This Week in Press Freedoms and Privacy Rights

Read the Article at the Guardian


US Military Drone Surveillance Is Expanding to Hot Spots Beyond Declared Combat Zones

Read the Article at The Washington Post


Senate Proposes Warrants for Email Search

Read the Article at The Hill


Exxon's Secrecy Over Ruptured Pipeline Could Mask National Dangers

Read the Article at InsideClimate News


Monsanto Virtually Gives Up on Growing GMO Crops in Europe

Read the Article at Grist


US Fighter Jets Accidentally Bomb Great Barrier Reef During Training Exercise

Read the Article at The Raw Story


Wichita Abortion Clinic Continues the Fight for Reproductive Justice

Eleanor J. Bader, Truthout: Four years after Dr. George Tiller's death, the newly reopened and renamed South Wind Woman's Center continues the fight for reproductive justice in the conservative state of Kansas.

Read the Article 

Agribusiness Subsidy Cuts Could Save Food Stamps in the Farm Bill

Staff, Center for Effective Government: Billions of dollars could be saved by cutting subsidies while still protecting vital nutrition programs for the poor, if policymakers are willing to make them.

Read the Article 

The Crisis of Finance Capitalism and the Exhaustion of Neoliberalism

Michael A. Peters, Truthout: In the five years since the Global Financial Crisis, no policies have been developed to effectively ensure against another systemic failure of banking and insurance systems.

Read the Article 

50th Anniversary of The Feminine Mystique: Friedan's Rediscovered Writings on Industrial Working Women

Peter Handel, Truthout: One of the most common and enduring criticisms of The Feminine Mystique is that Friedan does not say anything about working class women or minorities. Ironically, these issues were at the forefront during Friedan's former years as a labor journalist.

Read the Review and the Excerpt 

Truthout TV Interviews Maya Schenwar About the US Prison System

Ted Asregadoo, Truthout: Truthout Executive Director Maya Schenwar discusses her current book project on prisons in the United States, solitary confinement, the nature of time and why the humane treatment of prisoners is integral to the preservation of human rights.

Watch the Video 

How the System Worked: The US v. Trayvon Martin

Robin D. G. Kelley, Counterpunch: The point is that justice was always going to elude Trayvon Martin, not because the system failed, but because it worked. Unless we challenge the entire criminal justice system, there will be many more Trayvon Martins.

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This Land Is Your Land, This Land Is Gas Land

Peter Rugh, Waging Nonviolence: The Obama administration has proposed new regulations for fracking on 756 million acres of public and tribal lands. The rules were written by the drilling industry and will be streamlined into effect by a new intergovernmental task force.

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ALEC and the NRA Have Blood on Their Hands

Terrance Heath, Campaign for America's Future: How many people have died because ALEC and the NRA have made it easier for more people to get guns, legal for more people to carry concealed weapons in more places, and easier to "shoot first and ask question later?"

Read the Article 

Sarah Shourd on Herman Wallace, California Hunger Strikers and the Horror of Solitary Confinement

Staff, Angola 3 News: Author Sarah Shourd discusses her solitary confinement project, Opening the Box, as well as the ongoing prisoner hunger strike in California, the Angola 3 case and the politics of prisons in the US.

Read the Interview 

This week in SpeakOut:

Nicholas Powers reviews the powerful new film Fruitvale Station, discussing the constant threat of violence that hangs over the lives of young African-American men; Tom Barry writes from the borderlands, looking at the victims of border patrol - immigrants terrorized on a daily basis that risk life and limb for the chance to support their families; Makani Themba analyzes ways to combat structural racism exemplified by the modern vigilantism of the Stand Your Ground laws; David Palumbo-Liu looks at the George Zimmerman verdict and asks what is the cost of stereotypes and fear in the argument of self-defense; James Anderson reports on the ever evolving Occupy Wall Street movement; Paul Redd, Pelican Bay Security Housing Unit prisoner and hunger striker, writes an open letter on the cruelty of forced solitary confinement; and more.

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