
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Detroit Residents on Bankruptcy - We Have No Democracy!

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Date: Aug 15, 2013 4:39 PM
Subject: Detroit Residents on Bankruptcy - We Have No Democracy!
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Thursday, 15 August 2013

t r u t h o u t

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The Buzzflash commentary for Truthout will return soon.


Bagram Detainee's Father Petitions Congress: Let My Son Go

Read the Article at Rolling Stone


"Walking While Black" in the Age of Stop-and-Frisk

Read the Article at BuzzFlash


Eight Horrific and Uplifting Stories About Being Gay in the New Russia

Read the Article at The New Republic


Obama's Surveillance Revisions Omit Limits on Warrantless Email Searches

Read the Article at McClatchy News


Conservative Group: Replacing Sean Hannity with Megyn Kelly a "Pro-Homosexual" Move

Read the Article at Talking Points Memo


Obama's Faith-Based Diplomacy

Read the Article at BuzzFlash


Michigan GOP Poised to Botch Senate Pickup Opportunity

Read the Article at National Journal


Detroit Residents on Bankruptcy - We Have No Democracy!

David Bacon, Truthout: More than half of Michigan's 1.4 million black residents now live under rule by unelected emergency managers whose consistent response to the "emergencies" they are appointed to manage is to make things worse for the majority of the populace.

Read the Article 

Civil Disobedience as Law Enforcement

Jeremy Brecher, Waging Nonviolence: Future climate protesters can proudly proclaim that they are actually climate protectors, upholding the law, not violating it. Those who perpetrate climate change, and those who allow them to do so, should not be able to claim that the law is on their side.

Read the Article 

Norman Solomon: The Nobel Peace Prize Needs Bradley Manning More Than Manning Needs the Peace Prize

Candice Bernd, Truthout: After RootsAction cofounder Normon Solomon delivered more than 100,000 signatures to the Norwegian Nobel Committee in Oslo urging that the Peace Prize award go to Bradley Manning this year, Solomon shared the experience with Truthout.

Read the Interview 

Will Washington, D.C. Be Named Reaganville?

The Daily Take, The Thom Hartmann Program: It's easier to abolish women and to send undocumented immigrants to the moon than it is to improve our nation, at least for Republicans.

Read the Article 

The Offline Wage Wars of Silicon Valley

Nona Willis Aronowitz, Economic Hardship Reporting Project: For 10 years a massive income gap has been widening across Silicon Valley. Last November, however, the residents of San Jose voted in favor of a small but significant change: raising the city's minimum wage from $8 to $10 per hour.

Read the Article 

Colombian Connection: Canadian Neocolonialism in the Global South

Harrison Samphir, Truthout: Canada's involvement in social and ecological injustices perpetrated against labor and indigenous communities in Colombia to protect extractive industries' profits often goes unremarked.

Read the Article 

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Cayman Islands Have Agreed to Make it More Difficult for the Rich to Evade Taxes, and More

In today's On the News segment: The Cayman Islands have agreed to cooperate with the US and make it more difficult for the wealthy to stash money overseas; Texas Republicans claim their voting district lines aren't racist, just openly partisan; there's a new effort to close Guantanamo Bay; and more.

Watch the Video and Read the Transcript 

Amend or Repeal the Espionage Act to Protect Journalists and Whistle-Blowers

Robert Naiman, Truthout: The Espionage Act, created around World War I and resulting in a 10- year sentence for a union leader for giving a speech critical of US entry into the war, serves to squelch dissent and is a stain on our democracy.

Read the Article 

A Frenzy Over the "Female Dollar"

Paul Krugman, Krugman & Co.: The prospect that Janet Yellen, a monetary dove and the vice chairwoman of the Federal Reserve, might become the next head of the Fed has driven the right into a frenzy.

Read the Article 

Municipal Workers in Bankrupt Cities Facing Financial Nightmare

Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism: Municipal pensioners aren't terribly well protected in a municipal bankruptcy because, historically, they pretty much never happened.

Read the Article 

Star Wars, G.I. Joe, Rambo, Red Dawn, and How a Tale of American Triumphalism Was Returned to the Child's World

Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch: George Lucas almost single-handedly reconstituted war play as a feel-good activity for children.

Read the Article 

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