
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Nukes Are Nuts

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Date: Aug 3, 2013 3:13 PM
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Saturday, 3 August 2013

t r u t h o u t

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The Buzzflash commentary for Truthout will return soon


No, Says State Dept., Drone Attacks in Pakistan Will Not Be Ending 'Very, Very Soon'

Read the article at Common Dreams


How Fractured is the GOP?

Read the article at The Washington Post


A Fast-Food Joint Thrives, Even by Paying $12 an Hour

Read the article at The Daily Beast


Florida Sheriff: Cops Who Shot Unarmed Black Man "Followed Standard Protocols"

Read the article at Salon


Military Sexual Assault: It's the Culture

Read the article at Draft NOtices


FAIR TV: Misreporting WikiLeaks, NYT Defines the "Center," MSNBC's Walmart "Debate"

Watch the video at FAIR


What's Next for Moral Mondays?

Read the article at Yes! Magazine


Nukes Are Nuts

David Krieger, Truthout: Of the many social, political and economic issues that plague the US today, none can be addressed by nuclear weapons. Yet this continues to be a huge drain on our economy and our attention. David Krieger explains why something so "pointless" remains a huge problem globally.

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Blackfish Documentary Exposes Negligence, Corruption in SeaWorld's Quest for Profit

Martha Sorren, Truthout: A new documentary follows the story of Tilikum, a captured baby orca who made headlines in 2010 when he caused the death of a senior SeaWorld trainer. "Blackfish" looks at the darker side of whale captivity and the dangerous game theme parks like SeaWorld play to turn a killer whale into a marketable figure.

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This American Life Whitewashes US Crimes in Central America, Wins Peabody Award

Keane Bhatt, North American Congress on Latin America: Ira Glass, host and narrator of NPR's "This American Life" was awarded a Peabody Award for its coverage of the 1982 massacre of 250 Guatemalan civilians at the hands of their own military. Unfortunately, America's direct involvement in the conflict under the Reagan presidency was nowhere to be found in the award winning report.

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Nurturing Open, Creative Development in the Digital Age

Michael A Peters, Truthout:  "Openness and creativity are the twin pillars and prospects for social development rather than one that is state- or corporation-controlled," writes Professor Peters as he discusses the lack of progress in developmental thought in the US since the 1990's.

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Who's Doing the Writing? Peace Talks: New Chapter, Old Book

Robert Jensen, CounterPunch: As peace talks between Israel and Palestian are rumored to begin soon, we must address the political and social context of this conflict as well as be honest about the role of power within it.

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On the News With Thom Hartmann: A New Report on Student Debt Proves Overall Loss of Wealth for American Students

Thom Hartmann, Thom Hartmann Program: This week on the news with Thom Hartmann Republicans may finally push Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to fix the filibuster; A new report shows that each student who takes out $50,000 dollars to pay for college will face a lifetime loss of wealth of $200,000; Polling numbers released yesterday show that the majority of Kentucky voters disapprove of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's job performance; and More.

Watch the Video and Read the Transcript 

John Kerry's Doomed Peace Process

Phyllis Bennis, Foreign Policy in Focus: "Until negotiations are based not on U.S. support for Israeli power but on international law, the 'peace process' will continue to fail," writes Phyllis Bennis about the upcoming peace talks between Palestine and Israel.

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Demystifying Unions with Bill Fletcher Jr.

Staff, Making Contact: Given the huge blow that unions have taken in this new economy, Progressive Radio's Matthew Rothschild interviews author Bill Fletcher Jr. about why working Americans and unions have lost touch with one another.

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"Just Cause:" Isn't it Time for All Workers to Have More Job Security?

Rand Wilson, Workerist: The United States is alone among industrialized countries in allowing workers to be considered "at will" employees who can be dismissed for any reason – justified or not. Labor should seize the opportunity to champion the passage of "just cause" standards into state laws.

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New Brazilian Law Guarantees Protocol for Rape Victims

Fabiana Frayssinet, Inter Press Service: New legislation which demands care for rape victims, including emergency contraception, has created outrage among the Catholic Church who believes that this is just one step closer to decriminalizing abortion.

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