
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Eco-Investigators Say Fracking Air Pollution is Poisoning Families in Texas

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Date: Sep 23, 2013 3:52 PM
Subject: Eco-Investigators Say Fracking Air Pollution is Poisoning Families in Texas
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Monday, 23 September 2013

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Only Difference Between a Skinhead Racist and GOP Member Cutting Food Stamps Is Three Inches of Hair

Mark Karlin, BuzzFlash at Truthout: Let's cut the politeness of pretending that the social wing of the GOP is just into austerity and goofy views on the Constitution. It's about race, as the House's vote to cut food stamps, and let people starve, vividly shows.

Read the BuzzFlash Commentary


Add It Up: The Average American Family Pays $6,000 a Year in Subsidies to Big Business

Read the Article at BuzzFlash


Nuclear Crisis at Fukushima Could Spew Out More Than 15,000 Times as Much Radiation as Hiroshima Bombing

Read the Article at BuzzFlash


Glenn Greenwald | NSA Stories From Around the World

Read the Article at The Guardian


The Hidden Classified Briefing Most of Congress Missed

Read the Article at The Atlantic


"Decadent Homosexual Activity," Marijuana and Abortion Caused Colorado Floods, Talk Radio Minister Charges, Denying Global Warming

Read the Article at BuzzFlash


It's the Austerity, Stupid: How We Were Sold an Economy-Killing Lie

Read the Article at Mother Jones


Paul Krugman | Free to Be Hungry

Read the Article at The New York Times


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Eco-Investigators Say Fracking Air Pollution Is Poisoning Families in Texas

Mike Ludwig, Truthout: When residents near fracking sites in Texas, including a 15-year-old boy, complained of health symptoms but seemed to be ignored for months by government regulators, investigators from the advocacy group Earthworks made startling discoveries about the amount of toxicity surrounding them.

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More Student Debt, Less Payback - Especially for Women

Eleanor J Bader, Truthout: More people go deeper into educational debt although the payback is ever more uncertain – especially for women who enroll at a higher rate than men, only to earn less, in comparison, when hired after college.

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Obamacare: It's Better Than You Think

Dean Baker, Truthout: As discussion of the Affordable Healthcare Act begins in state legislatures this October, many of the long-term problems once again rest with the private insurers, as the government has made no real attempt to regulate cost.

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Destroying the Right to Be Left Alone: Government Agencies Exploit Technology to Make Privacy Obsolete

Matthew Harwood, TomDispatch: Like the NSA, the DEA and other agencies are using technology to pry into the lives of Americans in the name of national security. As technology advances, the relationship between Americans and their government has come to resemble a one-way mirror dividing an interrogation room.

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On the News With Thom Hartmann: GOP Has One Week to Continue Resolutions or Risk Government Shutdown, and More

In today's On the News segment: At least 62 people were killed in a shooting incident at a mall in Kenya. The gunmen are part of the militant group known as Al Shabaab, which has been pushed out of a region of Somalia by an African Union-backed peacekeeping mission; more than 100 workers, lawmakers, and activists rallied in support of a new bill that would require employers to give workers up to seven paid days off per year in Vermont; and more.

Watch the Video and Read the Transcript 

Civil Rights Groups Challenge Texas' Voter ID Law in Federal Court

Candice Bernd, Truthout: With Texas moving forward with its voter ID law, following the Supreme Court ruling earlier this year gutting a key provision of the Voting Rights Act, the NAACP, Brennan Justice Center and Mexican American Legislative Caucus of the Texas House of Representatives have filed suit challenging the law.

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NYT's David Sanger Scaremongering Iran Nukes Worse Than Netanyahu

Robert Naiman, Truthout: The New York Times' David Sanger provides no evidence for his assertion that Iran is "just a few weeks" away from building a nuclear bomb, surpassing the gold standard for scaremongering set by the Israeli government, says Naiman.

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Chris Hedges | The Act of Killing

Chris Hedges, TruthDig: Joshua Oppenheimer's documentary The Act of Killing is an important exploration of the complex psychology of mass murderers as the director gives former Indonesian death squad leader Anwar Congo the chance to reenact his crimes on film.

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Should Poor People Eat? Let's Hear From Both Sides!

Peter Hart, Fair Blog: In the ongoing debate about food stamps, mainstream news outlets like USA Today are not interested in debating the facts more than perpetuating stereotypes about poor and working-class Americans.

Read the Article 

Six Ways You Can Help Bust Biotech

Ronnie Cummins, Organic Consumers: In the fight against Big Agribusiness, the consumers are the strongest weapon. Here are six ways that Americans can fight the biotech industry and demand transparency when it comes to our food.

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