
Friday, March 14, 2014

Sex Work Wars: Project ROSE, Monica Jones and the Fight for Human Rights

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Date: Mar 13, 2014 3:40 PM
Subject: Sex Work Wars: Project ROSE, Monica Jones and the Fight for Human Rights
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Thursday, 13 March 2014

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Canadian Government Shouldn't Spend Taxpayer Dollars Shilling for the Keystone XL Pipeline

Mark Karlin, BuzzFlash at Truthout: The conservative government of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is pulling out all the stops to support increased Alberta tar sands oil production. Its efforts include a slick government website that promotes tar sands oil as if it were as healthy for you as fresh orange juice.

Read the BuzzFlash Commentary


White House Withholds Thousands of Documents From Senate CIA Probe, Despite Vows of Help

Read the Article at McClatchy News


Game Over? Another Anti-Gay "Religious Freedom" Bill Thwarted

Read the Article at Talking Points Memo


Detroit USA: Poster City for Abandonment

Read the Article at BuzzFlash


How Chesapeake Energy, the Kings of Fracking, Double-Crossed Their Way to Riches

Read the Article at The Daily Beast


My Life as a Retail Worker: Nasty, Brutish and Poor

Read the Article at The Atlantic


Italian Judge Orders Shutdown of Dirty Coal Units Responsible for Hundreds of Deaths

Read the Article at EcoWatch


Guns May Soon Be Everywhere in Georgia

Read the Article at Mother Jones


Sex Work Wars: Project ROSE, Monica Jones and the Fight for Human Rights

Mike Ludwig, Truthout: Monica Jones will be on trial March 14 in Arizona for "manifesting prostitution." She is one of 366 people who have been arrested or detained by police during Project ROSE stings. But activists say that taking hundreds of sex workers to jail as part of an anti-trafficking initiative does little to help trafficking victims or sex workers.

Read the Article 

Dina Rasor | The Anatomy of the Perfect Whistle-Blower

Dina Rasor, Truthout: Is Charles M. Smith the perfect whistle-blower? This unassuming man, who exposed how the Army caved in regarding its contract with Halliburton subsidiary KBR, is what a whistle-blower should be.

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Living in Doubt: West Virginians Seek Safe Water After Elk River Chemical Spill

James Fassinger, Truthout: More than two months after Freedom Industries spilled 10,000 gallons of toxic 4-methylcyclohexane methanol and an unknown amount of a polyglycol ether into the Elk River in West Virginia, many residents rely on volunteer efforts for safe drinking water.

Read the Article and View the Photos 

Can We Make Progressive Mayors Work for the People?

Amy B. Dean, Truthout: New York and Boston have elected mayors who have vowed liberal reforms. Two organizers discuss what it could take for social movements to turn such promises into reality.

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Accounting for a Decade of Global War

Vincent Warren, Truthout: The United Nations will be reviewing US compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights today and tomorrow. US arguments to the contrary, its record includes violations that must be sanctioned.

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WhatsApp? Readers and Writers in a Post-Truth World

Joseph Natoli, Truthout: High-speed internet response, millions of Google responses to our searches, a growing number of colorful apps on our phones and an amazing computer memory capacity can support buying and selling, but they may not advance human self-development, not only in regard to a critical understanding but also in regard to a social moral sense.

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C'mon America ... Let's Keep the Lights On

The Daily Take, The Thom Hartmann Program: Mass power outages are a sign of this nation's aging electrical infrastructure, which is stuck in the 19th century. We need to diversify our energy providers on the local and community levels, and we need a variety of forms of energy.

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There Are Co-Op Options for Health Care, but Major Insurers Don't Want You To Know

Crystal Shepeard, Care2: A Consumer Oriented and Operated Plan, or Co-Op, is a nonprofit health insurer that offers more-affordable, consumer-friendly and high-quality health insurance options. However, many consumers still aren't aware of them.

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Julie Dermansky | Green Army Prepares To Battle Louisiana Legislators To Protect Water From Oil Industry Threats

Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog: The Green Army, a group representing environmental and social justice organizations led by retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honore, met on the steps of the state Capitol for a rally preceding the start of Louisiana's legislative session to protect the state's water from fossil fuel industries.

Read the Article and View the Photos 

Rachel Maddow | Oil Companies Dumping Radioactive Waste in North Dakota

Rachel Maddow, MSNBC: Don Morrison, of the Dakota Resource Council, talks about the challenge of holding oil companies responsible for pollution in North Dakota.

Watch the Video 

Washington's Back-to-the-Future Military Policies in Africa

Nick Turse, TomDispatch: The United States has been developing a back-to-the-future military policy in Africa - making common cause with one of the continent's former European colonial powers in a set of wars that seems to be spreading, not stanching violence and instability in the region.

Read the Article 

Education in the Name of Social Transformation: Teaching Workers

Michael D. Yates, Counterpunch: Radical education will not help to move society in an egalitarian and democratic direction. But worker education offers much greater possibilities, precisely because it is directly connected to the lives of the working-class majority, who, in the end, must be the moving force of social transformation.

Read the Article 

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Higher Levels of Unionization Can Contribute to Economic Stability, and More

In today's On the News segment: According to the Economic Policy Institute, higher levels of unionization can contribute to economic stability; last week, President Obama sent Congress a $3.9 trillion budget; Americans are almost $7 trillion short of what they need to pay for retirement; and more.

Watch the Video and Read the Transcript 

Economic Update: Criticisms of Capitalism

Richard D. Wolff, Economic Update / Truthout: Updates on the General Motors recall scandal; corporations' push for secret courts; the economics of marijuana; Radio Shack closings; and US workers leaving the labor force. Major discussions of the history and basics of the criticism of capitalism, and billionaires and extreme inequality as products of capitalism.

Listen to the Radio Segment 

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