Monday, July 18, 2011

York PC 112: Former Fox News Producer Claimed His Phone Records Hacked In 2008, Everyone Brushed Off "Book-Promoting Conspiracy Theory"...

Did you know that conspiracy theories exist BECAUSE THERE HAVE BEEN NUMEROUS CONSPIRACIES IN HISTORY?!

The next time you're tempted to just ignore something as a "conspiracy theory," as Faux News would say so snidely, just think of phone hacking by the Sneerers-In-Chief, Faux News.

They've spent twenty years brainwashing people that what's great for corporate profits on Wall Street is Heaven for Middle Class America. Look around you at the empty strip mall shops and even empty strip malls. How about the one-in-seven houses that are foreclosed and empty? The tent cities in the warm states? The college kids who are lucky if they can find tables to bus? How's all that working out for ya?

Now they want to get rid of teachers, police, firefighters, garbage men, forest preserves, anything and everything that serves the public will be owned and operated by some huge corporate conglomerate. Do you really think any of it will be cheaper and safer? Do you really want at least a third of American kids to be illiterate and ignorant because we no longer have public primary education and their parents can't afford it?

Sure, if you're a billionaire who wants cheap labor that doesn't know when it's getting cheated. How many of you really think you'll be billionaires in ten years? Honestly?

Faux News propagandized the Tea Party from a small minority of extremists into a national brand in a year. Why would they so promote something that didn't serve the interests of their billionaire head honcho Murdo...?

That's why this story could finally be good news for America:

Wise up and rise up to the challenge, America. We still have a chance to save our country and our planet.

All the best,


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