Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Failure Of American Artistic Spirit At The State Level

I'm reading this article at Truthout, and nodding my head in sad agreement.

We've lost much funding for the arts, and have become a society of starkness, awash in a time of darkness and meanness of spirit that I can't ever remember existing before. It's like the world's paladin has lost its faith.

It is up to the public to put the promoters of bleakness from the public stage, to choose leadership that reaches for color and craft and form, and drives the bleakness from our existence.

This is the great failing of the tenement tracts and ghettos of the 1960's - a concentration of the spirit of poorness in such magnitude that the oppression of the soul at its heart was inescapable, a well of depression as deep as any black hole at the center of a galaxy, where not even light can escape.

The entire country is being turned into a desperate wasteland of the heart, where people struggle for the least enjoyments, and beauty and leisure are seen as selfish when they really are what feeds the soul.

The country is being fought over by ghouls that have so little heart, they infect everyone else in the land to varying degrees. The only thing left is for those who still have a sense of beauty to cast off the shackles of dourness, and run across the land painting it with love and joy, before the life is squeezed from it like a dessicated rotten fruit in a dead desert.

I wish it would rain life and love, but first we have to seed the clouds.


Where Is the Arts Funding to Create a Collective Sense of Beauty and Meaning in America?

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