Less than 12 hours remain for Truthout to raise the funds we need during this drive, in order to keep bringing you the news and analysis on which you rely. We saw wonderful momentum this morning - thanks to a number of generous readers, we met the matching grant we announced! Can you help us keep that momentum going and reach our goal of 250 more donations? Please help us maintain our services: donate to Truthout now.  Click here to donate. (Truthout is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. EIN: 20-0031641) You can also donate by check, made payable to: Truthout, P.O. Box 276414, Sacramento, CA 95827 (Please include your email address on your check.) Does the Romney Family Now Own Your e-Vote? Gerry Bello, Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman, Free Press: The Romneys have a direct financial interest in notoriously faulty voting machines that could decide this fall's election in the swing state of Ohio. Read the Article Dream Defenders Challenge Candidates to Tackle the "War on Youth" in Next Debate Sarah Jaffe, Truthout: In Boca Raton on Monday, the presidential candidates will be greeted by young activists with questions not covered in the debates - about a broken criminal justice system, an education system that leaves young people in debt for life, about immigrant detention centers and for-profit prisons. Read the Article America's Media Just Made Vote-Rigging Easier Victoria Collier, Truthout: Stealing your vote is easier than ever now that the media has decided it can't afford the exit polling that helped track irregular ballot counts in more than a third of the states. Here's why it's important, and what you can do. Read the Article The Romneys Don't Make Money; Their Money Makes Money Salvatore Babones, Truthout: Entrepreneurs do create new value in the world and keep some portion of that value as a reward for their originality, risk-taking and hard work. But the Romneys are not entrepreneurs: They are rentiers - people "who siphon off wealth created elsewhere in the economy." Read the Article Atlanta Police, Occupy Activists Team Up to Defend Detective's Home Mike Ludwig, Truthout: Teaming up with the local Occupy group, Atlanta police have formed an unlikely alliance to save a former police detective's foreclosed home. Occupy Our Homes activists hope support from local police could prevent an eviction. Read the Article The Dirty Dozen: The Top 12 Election Issues Nobody Is Talking About Michael I. Niman, ArtVoice: I'm sick of endless pontificating about body language at debates, who "connects" with voters, or any other nonsense that diverts us from discussing crucially import issues. Here are 12 issues that should be central to political debates and discussions but are being ignored or fatally downplayed by our media and politicians. Read the Article Greg Palast | Mitt Romney's Bailout Bonanza Greg Palast, The Nation: Mitt Romney may indeed have wanted to let Detroit die. But if the auto industry was going to be bailed out after all, the Romneys apparently couldn't resist getting in on a piece of the action, to the tune of a $15.3 million personal gain. Read the Article Getting Elections Right in Venezuela and the US Antonio Gonzalez, Truthout: The US could learn a thing or two from Venezuela when it comes to elections. Unlike the US, Venezuela encourages voter registration to all people, elections are held on Sundays for greater participation and ballots are easy to audit. Read the Article How Obama Can Smoke Out Mitt: Call for Breaking Up the Biggest Banks, and Resurrecting Glass-Steagall Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Blog: The President should counter Romney's extraordinary solicitude toward Wall Street with a proposal to cap the size of the nation's biggest banks so that no bank is ever again too big to fail; and to resurrect the Glass-Steagall Act, which once separated commercial from investment banking. Read the Article Alberta Tar Sands Illegal Under Treaty 8, First Nations Charge Kristin Moe, Yes! Magazine: In 1899, First Nations in northern Alberta signed a treaty with Queen Victoria that enshrined their right to practice traditional lifeways. Today, it's the basis for a legal challenge to Shell Oil's mining of tar sands. Read the Article |
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