Saturday, June 8, 2013

Will Companies' Health Care Programs Result in More Body Size Discrimination?

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Date: Jun 8, 2013 2:50 PM
Subject: Will Companies' Health Care Programs Result in More Body Size Discrimination?
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Saturday, 8 June 2013

t r u t h o u t

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The Buzzflash commentary for Truthout will return soon.


San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant in CA Shuttered as Nuke Energy Stalls

Read the Article at BuzzFlash


Justice Department Fights Release of Secret Court Opinion Finding Unconstitutional Surveillance

Read the Article at Mother Jones


Seven Dead in Santa Monica College Shooting; Gunman May Have Had Help

Read the Article at the Los Angeles Times


Facebook and Google Insist They Did Not Know of Prism Surveillance Program

Read the Article at the Guardian


Former Pro-GMO Scientist Speaks Out on the Real Dangers of Genetically Engineered Food

Read the Article at Occupy Monsanto


Defense Contractors Battle to Get Windfall Contracts for Mexican Border Surveillance

Read the Article at The New York Times


Julian Assange: NSA Leaker Could Face the Same Fate as Bradley Manning

Read the Article at The Hill


Will Companies' Health Care Programs Result in More Body Size Discrimination?

Alissa Fleck, Truthout: An analysis of whether employee surveillance is becoming a mainstay of the health benefit sector and the potential impact on workers.

Read the Article 

A Timeline of Mass Surveillance in America

Cora Currier, Theodoric Meyer and Justin Elliott, ProPublica: The National Security Agency spying isn't entirely new: Since 9/11, we've learned about large-scale tracking by the agency. Here is a history of US surveillance of its citizens.

Read the Article 

US Inequality Now Literally Off the Chart

Salvatore Babones, It is well known that the level of income inequality stretches much higher in the United States than in the other developed countries. Now a report from the International Labour Organization shows that US inequality has literally gone off the chart.

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The Next American Revolution Has Already Begun: An Interview With Gar Alperovitz

Gar Smith, The Berkeley Daily Planet: Professor and author Gar Alperovitz discusses the arguments in his new book, What Then Must We Do?, and explores the ramifications of social and economic change in an era of pending systemic collapse.

Read the Interview 

Pentagon May Be Wasting a Billion Dollars a Year in Erroneous Payments to Contractors

Richard H.P. Sia, The Center for Public Integrity: Check-writing mistakes are said to be huge, but the military is not tracking the problem closely enough to know for sure.

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On the News With Thom Hartmann: Walmart Is Using the Court System to Silence Protesters, and More

In today's On the News segment: Walmart is using the court system to silence protesters; a Senate Committee advanced bipartisan legislation to create a federal licensing program for insurance agents; Republicans voted to resume the deportation of undocumented immigrants that were brought to this country as children; and more.

Watch the Video and Read the Transcript 

Obama Orders List of Foreign Cyber Targets

David S. Cloud, McClatchy Newspapers: President Obama has ordered his national security team to draw up a secret target list for possible cyber attacks, a major expansion of US planning for disabling and hacking into foreign computer networks, according to the top secret directive.

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The Metropolitan Education Problem: Why High School Students Are Walking Out

Jon Shelton, Dissent: Last month, thousands of Philadelphia high school students walked out of their schools and marched on City Hall to protest a proposed austerity budget. If those marching students have shown us anything, it is that each of them wants an education.

Read the Article 

Four Years Ago Obama Promised to Investigate Afghan Massacre; Has Anything Happened Since?

Cora Currier, ProPublica: In his first year in office, President Obama pledged to "collect the facts" on the death of hundreds, possibly thousands, of Taliban prisoners of war at the hands of US-allied Afghan forces in late 2001. Four years later, there's no sign of progress.

Read the Article 

Idle No More

George Lavender, National Radio Project: What began as a protest against new laws seen as curtailing environmental protections and infringing indigenous sovereignty, quickly grew into a movement for indigenous rights and environmental justice.

Listen to the Radio Report 

John Pilger | There Is a War on Ordinary People, and Feminists Are Needed at the Front

John Pilger, Truthout: There is indeed a crisis among men - actually ordinary men and women - and it is not their masculinity that is to blame, but the neutering of any credible resistance to a sociopathic system now given the title of "austerity."

Read the Article 

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