Wednesday, November 2, 2011

York PC 112: A Suggestion For The Occupy Movement - Move...

Small cities and towns are losing population and failing all over the country. What if the Occupy movement actually...moved?

Move to the small towns out in the countryside and take over local government in those places. Create the society that they believe in, out in places where they ARE the government rather than combating existing city governments. If their vision of the world is better, people will want to move to their towns because life is better there.

It's a whole new approach to the same problem - and it would allow the Occupy movement to place representatives in State governments around the country.

Such an approach could actually change the status quo without the problems the Occupy movement is now dealing with. It would also allow for a lot more latitude in activities and economic structure.

Please note that I am NOT saying that the Occupy movement should abandon its places of protest around the country. Those places are necessary and draw the attention, hearts, and minds of the general American Public, and they must continue.

What I AM advocating is that the Occupy movement create a few living examples of what life would be like in a place that was governed in the ways they suggest, places that are outside of Wall Street and that eschew the big banks and their branches and tentacles. An illustration of the vision, if you will.

Personally, I think the results might be fascinating.

All the best, if you work and vote for it,


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