Sunday, November 13, 2011

York PC 112: Stop The Corporate Tax Dodgers And Welfare Checks For Fat-Cats

Here it is in the Washington Times, The Top Ten Corporate Tax Dodgers Wall Of Shame.

One note in this article, not emphasized by the Times, but definitely emphasized by me, are the statistics: 80% of the largest U,S. corporations use offshore tax havens, and 57% of those companies paid no US income taxes.

Here additionally is a single, extremely revealing fact: according to the GAO, 18,857 U.S. corporations have "offices" in ONE BUILDING in the Cayman Islands. In actuality, these are just post office boxes.

Why? So they can get out of paying federal income taxes, and leaving workers to foot the bills alone.

Is there really any question why working people are demonstrating in the streets all over the planet?

This isn't a football game. This isn't a "competition" between workers in the U.S. and workers in other countries. This is a global strategy by the wealthy world-wide to pit workers against each other, by nationality, race, religion, or any other artificial sub-grouping they can get laborers to buy into. It is a case of global psyops to keep control and wealth in specific hands.

In their eyes, if the labor in one country starts doing too well, they might take control away, so they must be "kept down."

Unless you're a multi-billionaire you're not part of the club, and even if you are, if you're new money, and they can knock you back into the labor pool, they will.

It doesn't take a super-tight conspiracy. What it takes is a few very wealthy people intending to stay very wealthy, regardless of the cost to everyone else.

Convincing people it's a good idea to let huge, rich corporations dodge taxation is just a symptom of the sickness.

Make no mistake, there's an insanity in our global culture. A global mental illness. You don't let people die in squalor or start wars for the contracting money if you're sane, now do you?

How does all this relate to York Township? We have foreclosed or near-foreclosure homes in our township, bet me. We have a food pantry for seniors. We have families that have had to move apart for work, regardless of whether they really wanted to.

How many times has someone in this township been near homelessness, or gone hungry, or not been able to pay a non-luxury bill on-time, or been unable to send their kids to college, or lost their job and healthcare with it, or not been able to retire while reasonably healthy and still able to enjoy it?

All symptoms of the sickness. Isn't it time to heal the sickness, or at least treat the symptoms?

All the best, if you work and vote for it,


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