From: "t r u t h o u t" <>
Date: Mar 31, 2013 2:55 PM
Subject: Drugging Aggression Behind Bars
To: <>
Sunday, 31 March 2013
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Boy Scouts Still Have Ban on Gays, Even Though Founder Robert Baden-Powell Was Supposedly Gay
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(Please include your email address on your check.)Drugging Aggression Behind Bars
James L. Knoll IV and Robert Wilbur, Truthout: Thanks to the psychiatric drug revolution, inmates in our "correctional" institutions are being corrected with an armamentarium of powerful psychotropic drugs to control aggression. More humane than the truncheon and the hole, some of these drugs carry life-threatening risks especially when used without proper psychiatric and physical workup.
Pressing Ahead With Iran Pipeline, Pakistan Calls Washington's Bluff
Umar Farooq, Truthout: While the natural gas pipeline will account for a small fraction of Iran's exports, the fact that Pakistan is pressing ahead despite the threat of US sanctions points to the larger failure of the West to negotiate an end to its standoff over Iran's nuclear program.
Garbage In, Garbage Out: Struggling Haiti Signs Costly Private Deal
Jane Regan, Haiti Grassroots Watch: Perhaps unbeknownst to themselves, Haitian officials, the Haitian people and Haiti's garbage are caught in the middle of a potentially expensive and risky scenario.
Detroit Schools Emergency Manager Gets Accolades as Children Fall Further Behind
Dr. Thomas C. Pedroni, Detroit Data and Democracy Project: We hear again and again that Detroit's children must be prepared to compete in the 21st century global economy. If the proficiency gap between Detroit's children and the Michigan average is any indication, our children have only fallen further behind these past four years.
Why Is Socialism Doing So Darn Well in Deep-Red North Dakota? It's the Banks
Les Leopold, Alternet: North Dakota is red in another sense: it fully supports its state-owned Bank of North Dakota (BND), a socialist relic that exists nowhere else in America. Why is financial socialism still alive in North Dakota? Why haven't the North Dakotan free-market crusaders slain it dead? Because it works.
Jim Hightower | Corporate Kangaroo Courts Supplant Our Seventh Amendment Rights
Jim Hightower, Truthout: Being wronged by a corporation is painful enough, but just try getting your day in court. Most Americans don't realize it, but our Seventh Amendment right to a fair jury trial against corporate wrongdoers has quietly been stripped from us.
Austerity Lovers In D.C., Austerity Haters At Home
Dave Johnson, Campaign for America's Future: Austerity-hungry Republicans celebrate the sequester in Washington, then complain about the cuts at home, but still demand cuts somewhere else and add new demands that someone ELSE decide what should be cut.
Germany Sees Rise of Campaign Against Combat Drones
Elsa Rassbach, Leading national and local peace and justice organizations in Germany have launched a major campaign to oppose the German government's recently revealed plan to acquire combat drones (weaponized drones).
Regaining our Fighting Spirit: A Letter to Bill
Bernard A. Weisberger, Moyers & Company: I'd like the sixties back in some form, but that won't happen without a revival of the anger and readiness for political combat that not only inspired the first surge of Progressivism in the early 1900s and its fiery revival in the Great Depression.
David Swanson discusses the problematic concept of teaching American children to celebrate the "freedoms" of war and later makes his argument on why whistleblower Bradley Manning should receive the Nobel Peace Prize for which he has been nominated; Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis speaks out on the reported school closings and their impact on parents and students; Dan Riker proposes a simple question on gun control: 'If Americans are in support of it, why is Congress not?'; The "April Days of Action" campaign launched to protest drone warfare overseas; Robert Parry writes a controversial piece discussing why America needs to face the terror of the Newton shooting in order for gun reform to become a priority; and more.
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