Saturday, March 30, 2013

Letter To York 112 Voters

Fighting The Good Fight: York Township, IL Precinct 112 DuPage County Democratic Committeeman

To: The Voters of York Township Precinct 112, DuPage County, Illinois

Dear Fellow Citizen,

I am privileged to serve as the Democratic Precinct Committeeman for precinct 112 of York township. I am currently in my second 2-year term as Precinct Committeeman. Many of you may have seen me walking around the precinct (or bicycling) knocking on doors, asking for petition signatures, or handing out campaign literature. - Please note, the term “Committeeman” is defined in State law. I would prefer “Representative,” but it would be expensive to go through the process of first changing, and then re-publishing the relevant State statutes. In this time of tight budgets, it's not worth the expenditure of taxpayer funds to pursue.

Please allow me to specify what my responsibilities are as a Precinct Committeeman:

  1. Collect petition signatures from registered voters to get Democratic Candidates on the ballot for elections. Without these signatures, candidates cannot be placed on the ballot by the Election Commission, and your choices of candidates in the elections are thus limited. Specific numbers of petitions from registered voters must be filed with the Election Commission by candidates as required by State law.
  2. Distribute campaign literature for Democratic Candidates to the Registered Voters in the precinct. This is so you know a little about the candidates that will appear on your ballot in the next election.
  3. Vote for Township and County Officers of the Democratic party, and vote on Township procedures and bylaws of the local Democratic Party.

Please note that “Ask for funding donations” is not on the above list. I will never ask you for money. The Party and Candidates bear that responsibility.

Please join me in voting for our Democratic Municipal Candidates on Tuesday, April 9th!!

Please feel free to contact me at the e-mail address at the top of this page with concerns or issues. I will do my best to get answers for you from the local party organizations. I apologize, but I can't give out my phone number, as I work full-time third shift, and people forget that I'm probably asleep when most of you are up.

Sincerely, Dan Stafford, PC, York 112 ( )

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